Differentialgleichungen und Anwendungen

Montag 23.9.
SR 0.014
Dirk PeschkaSteering pattern formation of viscous flows
16:15Barbara NiethammerAn obstacle problem for cell polarization
16:40F. Z. GoffiTowards more general constitutive relations for metamaterials: a checklist to rule out inconsistent formulations
17:05Robert SchippaLocal and global well-posedness for dispersion generalized Benjamin-Ono equations on the circle
Dienstag 24.9.
SR 1.067
10:00Pavel GurevichA dynamical systems approach to outlier robust machine learning
10:45Marcel OliverLong-time asymptotics of solutions to the Keller–Rubinow model for Liesegang rings in the fast reaction limit
11:10Gualtiero BadinNon-selfsimilar collapse of surface quasi geostrophic point-vortices
11:35Martin HeidaStochastic Homogenization of PDE on non-uniformly Lipschitz and percolating structures
SR 0.014
16:00Michael EdenHomogenized models for the mechanical behavior of fibre-reinforced hydrogels
16:25Sascha EichmannMinimising the Helfrich Energy
16:50Helge GlöcknerDifferential equations on infinite-dimensional Lie groups
17:15Grigor NikaAn existence result for a class of electrothermal drift-diffusion models with Gauss–Fermi statistics for organic semiconductors
Mittwoch 25.9.
SR 1.067
10:00Wolfgang ReichelStanding and moving breather solutions for a quasilinear wave equation
10:45Ruming ZhangScattering in periodic waveguide: integral representation and spectrum decomposition
11:10Giulio RomaniUnexpected behaviour of fundamental solutions of general higher-order elliptic operators
11:35Michael PlumA computer-assisted existence and multiplicity proof for travelling waves in a nonlinearly supported beam
SR 0.014
15:30Timothy E. FaverNonlocal Solitary Traveling Waves in Diatomic FPUT Lattices under the Equal Mass Limit
15:55Mia JukićCurved traveling fronts on a lattice
16:20Oliver FabertFloer theory for Hamiltonian PDE and the small divisor problem
16:45Kaori NagatouOrbital stability investigation for travelling waves in a nonlinearly supported beam
Donnerstag 26.9.
SR 1.067
10:00Ivan OvsyannikovBirth of discrete Lorenz attractors in global bifurcations
10:25Alan D. RendallA proof of multistability in a phosphorylation cycle
10:50Pia BrechmannDynamics of the Selkov oscillator
11:15Hussein ObeidThe minimal model of Hahn for the Calvin cycle
SR 1.067
15:30Karsten FritzschCalderón Projector and Dirichlet-Neumann Operator for Fibred Cusp Operators
15:55Antoine PauthierLarge-time behaviour of solutions of parabolic equations on the real line with convergent initial data
16:20Rainer MandelThe Limiting Absorption Principle for periodic Schrödinger operators
16:45Dominic ScheiderBifurcations of a cubic Helmholtz system

Sektionsleitung: Tomáš Dohnal, Jens Rademacher, Hannes Uecker